
Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2015

The Long Way To Episode VII: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

What a great movie that was once again. The most 'complete' episode of them all. Meaning one that can be watched in its own right without worrying about the before and after. But if you're like me, you watch them all.

What really got me again was the fantastic soundtrack. It brings back so many memories.

Star Wars IV starts with one of the most iconic scenes in science fiction. Princess Leia Organa's diplomatic vessel is fleeing through space. In a scene without cuts the small ship speeds past above the viewer's perspective and then the screen is filled by an never ending Star Destroyer. You instantly get it - the space nazis have arrived. The Star Destroyer is under command of Grand Moff Tarkin and the infamous Darth Vader.

The Imperial Forces manage to capture Princess Leia. But she saved an SOS call in R2D2 who then along with C3P0 is shot to Tattooine in an escape pod. To find Obi Wan Kenobi, the last Jedi Knight. On the way the androids make company with young Luke Skywalker and later, with mercenary-smuggler Han Solo and his hairy companion Chewbacca. The rest is history.

Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo
These are the ingredients which made the first Star Wars in 1977 such a hit - adventure, camaradery and romance. What I especially appreciated were the clean camera shots and timeless design of uniforms and interior. It still stands the test of time. Light sabers are as cool today as ever, probably even more so.

Episode IV: A New Hope is a classic space opera with a clear black and white idea of good and evil. Empire troops remind me of the Nazi devils in their appearance, attitude and ruthlessness whereas Luke is the innocent young hero (another fantasy trope) while Leia and the Rebel Alliance stand for the civilized, democratic good of the galaxy. Everyone wants to see them succeed in their fight against the Empire. And at the end, by destroying the ultimate weapon in the galaxy, the planet crushing Death Star, it feels like the whole Galactic Empire is shattered to pieces. That feeling of victory is probably what makes this movie feel so 'complete'. Yet, as demand topped all expectations, sequels were made. And these two classics - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Episode VI: Return of the Jedi are the next on my list to watch.

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