
Montag, 26. Oktober 2015

The Long Way To Episode VII: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

As the wife is not here currently I am using my spare time to watch through the Star Wars movies. And yesterday I watched Episode II: Attack of the Clones.

First: I think the title is misleading as there is an attack on The Old Republic by the android forces of Count Dooku and his secessionist movement (of course the infamous Trade Federation from Episode I is on board here too). The Clone Army turns the tide of the battle towards the Republic, but Yoda realizes at the end of the movie, that all of it is part of a much larger play. Hence, the attack of the clones has only just begun.

But one thing after the other.

Episode II takes place around 10 years after Episode I. Anakin is grown into an annoying teenager and is the padawan of Obi Wan Kenobi. The Force is strong with him, but he has major temper issues and just doesn't stand up to the Jedi's high standards of self-control. Anakin and Obi Wan travel to Coruscant where they become bodyguards of Senator Padme Amidala, the former queen of Naboo (yeah, that is right, former queen as she had only two legislative periodes, so much for monarchy). Anakin is still deeply in love with her. For Padme, however, he will always stay the little boy from Tattooine as she says at their first meeting. But this is about to change.

While all the diplomacy and bureacracy still plays a major part in the movie, the tragic love story between Anakin and Padme is where the movie shines. It's also the parts with less CGI I might add.

High five, Episode II features backstory on the coolest bounty hunter in the galaxy!
There are heartpoundingly good scenes in this movie. Compared to the original trilogy everything might be a little over the top in terms of action and special effects, but once you accept that, it is possible to enjoy these scenes to the fullest. For example: When an assassin tries to kill Padmé before she delivers her speech to the senate. There's disgusting bugs and a crazy chase through the skyscraper landscape of Coruscant with high velocity - remember, they have flying cars there.

On the political level intrigue and corruption rule the galactical senate and Chancellor Palpatine gains more and more power. This peaks in him getting overpowered rights to command the newly discovered army of clones. Which are clones to the greatest assassin and bounty hunter in the universe: Django Fett, father to his genetically identical son Boba Fett, whom every old Star Wars fan loves. Palpatine, secretly a Sith Lord, also widens his influence on young Anakin. There is a lot of character development in this episode: Anakin, on a quest to free his mother from slavery on Tattooine, gives in to his anger and kills a whole village of Tusken Raider who were responsible for the death of his mother. He broke the Jedi codex and is since considered trustworthy less and less. It's the beginning of a tragic downward spiral.

The love story is good actually.
All in all Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones is a much better Star Wars movie than Episode I. There's less Jar-Jar, less parliament talk and more fairy tale. Characters progress and lots of lore is mentioned. Special effects and CGI in 2002 also looked better than in 1999. And the movie stars Christopher Lee, one of the greatest fantasy and sci-fi actors the face of this world has known, who just recently passed away.

Here's the official trailer for your viewing pleasure:

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