
Sonntag, 21. September 2014

Reflecting Darksiders 2 on Zelda and Skyrim

Currently playing Darksiders 2 on 360 and enjoying it, despite its flaws which are both technical and game design-wise. Darksiders 2, much like its predecessor, draws heavily from Zelda games, but probably achieves it much more than the first. This is due to the larger overworld and the dungeons that can be freely traversed. Still it remains an empty overworld. It's too small to be big and too big to be small, but worst of all filled with nothing than some random enemies and a few treasure chests. The dungeons are fun so far, including some puzzles that sometimes even take a few minutes to solve. The last Zelda game I played was Twilight Princess, which I must've played 2006-7. Liked this Zelda a lot and I am happy that Darksiders can so well emulate the Zelda dungeon crawl feeling. However, the first half of this year I played Skyrim and this game puts action-adventure-rpgs on a whole different level. Darksiders and Zelda (even Skyward Sword which I played briefly) are nice and fun games for "inbetween" a patientgamer can look forward to. But compared with Skyrim, which is so massive it can be played hundreds of hours and still delivers a fresh experience, they are rather small, limited, linear and lack depth. Do you think the next Zelda game (and I hope there will be two more Darksiders games for the remaining riders) will adapt in the Skyrim direction? Would you even welcome that?

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