
Dienstag, 1. April 2014

The Walking Dead S04E15 Season 4 Finale "A" Opinion

The episode was well narrated and made use of enlightening flash backs that showed where the season had come from.
So that was the season finale for the fourth season of The Walking Dead. It was a worthy finale for a great season. The episode made great use of the narrative tool of flash backs to remind its viewers the long way the characters traversed from episode 1 to episode 16. A good opportunity to bring back some of the most beloved - Hershel - and easiliest forgotten characters - Carls childhood friend with the glasses.

The Prison, a refuge the group deemed save, is gone for good after the Governors new band waged war against it, destroying all defence installations and flooding the complex with Walkers, rotten corpses. Had they not just survived a raging pestilence in one of The Prison's wings? The Governor just couldn't get enough. He had gotten what looked like a second chance and had wasted it just as lightheaded as the first. And he payed for it with his life. Our heroes however, were scattered and lost contact to each other, missingly wandering the woods. Eventually all of them came to signs promising them a safe haven in "Terminus". A bunch of events like surviving the attacks of a group of outlaws in a world without laws, discovering that one particular child is dead wrong in the head, and reuniting the lovers in a pitch black zombie infested train tunnel lead almost all our heroes to "Terminus". Having lost all their trust to anyone, being unable to bieleve in human good anymore they bring up all of Terminus subjects against them. The towns private military group eventually captures Rick, Carl, Michonne and Darryl in a train wagon where they are met with the rest of The Prison's survivors. All except one blond daugther of Hershel, Carol, Tyreese and Judith.

A group of bad guys tried to take out Rick. Didn't go so well for them.
That's how the season ends and leave us to a cliffhanger that will make us remember until the show returns in its fifth season, presumably later this year. I found it a good finale that connected some threads. The show always manages to build up hope, gives the group some place to live at for a while until it bloodily shatters the safe heavens and thins out the cast of characters. Remember the camping wagon town when the epidemic was still fresh, Hershel's farm in summer or The Prison, which had become a sort of kibbutz. Nothing stops the walkers and human tragedy in the long run and there wasn't even the slighted chance of it developing with Rick's uncompromising strategy as he saw these "peaceful" townspeople were carrying things that didn't belong to them. They had been right, but they can be glad to be still alive and shot to sieves. The Walking Dead's character development and tense story is what makes the show so great. May it be half a year of waiting, let it be worth the wait. In any case, it gives me some more time to catch up with the equally awesome comics that are as different to the show as is A Song of Ice and Fire to Game of Thrones.

Sneak Peak S04E16

The Making of S04E16

Inside S04E16

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